2016-08-10 1:00 AM
I operate an STM32L4 at 1.8 V and I�C peripherals at (up to) 3.6 V. The data sheet (DocID028794 Rev 2, table 21) is pretty clear when it comes to FT_xx inputs. But when it comes to FT_xx outputs I trip over the following statement:
The SDA and SCL I/O requirements are met with the following restrictions: the SDA and SCL I/O pins are not �true�open-drain. When configured as open-drain, the PMOS connected between the I/O pin and V_DDIOx is disabled, but is still
present. What can I make of it? Does the (deactivated!) PMOS sink current from the 3.6 V I�C line to the 1.8 V V_DD-supply because the MCU cannot drive its gate higher than V_DD? Where is the reference in the data sheet telling me that an open-drain output (FT_xx of course) can be raised above V_DD? #i2c-stm32l4-ft_xx-5vtolerant
2016-08-11 6:17 AM
Hi kleier.hermann,
Take a look to ''Table 60. Output voltage characteristics'', I think that ''VOI FM+'' value gives you what you need to know. -Hannibal-2016-08-12 5:05 AM
Table 60 describes the port output voltages when sinking/sourcing currents.
However, the question was about the FT_xx port output of a low-voltage (1.8 V) STM32L4xx configured open-drain without an internal(!) pull-up and connected via an external(!) pull-up to the interface voltage (3.6 V). How will the PMOS in Figure 19 (Basic structure of a five-volt tolerant I/O port bit, RM0394, DocID027295) behave? Note that then the PMOS is reverse-powered meaning that its drain (≈ 3.6V) is more positive than its source (VDDIOx ≈ 1.8V). To disable the PMOS, its gate voltage should be around 3.6 V. Does the somewhat menacing statement “but is still present� mean that it could pull the interface line down? Or to ask it more practically:Do I require a level shifter (see e.g. www.nxp.com/documents/application_note/AN10441.pdf) when I interface a low-voltage (1.8 V) STM32L4xx to a high-voltage (3.6 V) I²C device?
From: HannibalPosted: Thursday, August 11, 2016 3:17 PMSubject: I²C Level Shifting Required for STM32L4?
Hi kleier.hermann,
Take a look to ''Table 60. Output voltage characteristics'', I think that ''VOI FM+'' value gives you what you need to know. -Hannibal-2016-08-31 6:11 AM
To clarify: you don't need a level shifter when interfacing a low-voltage (1.8 V) STM32L4xx to a high-voltage (3.6 V) I²C device.