2016-05-23 8:58 PM
Hello All!
How to save the usb data into Flash of stm32f4discovery at run time?Please, could anyone help me?I need to store some USB text data to Flash after the program start.I want allocate for this data to any Sector in Flash area of stm32f407/5.Which mode of USB is better for this type of communication?I have tried with USBFatFs example of stm32f4discovery but result is unsuccessful!!2016-05-24 3:38 AM
Hi saleem.faisal.001,
I recommend you to try using the CDC example at this path Applications\USB_Device\CDC_Standalone -Hannibal-2016-05-24 5:57 AM
Writing to flash can cause real-time execution issues which USB might not be able to handle. Consider if this is an issue here, and if running from RAM would resolve.
The blocking size of the STM32 isn't particularly compatible with the size sectors used by FatFs. Consider writing data to an external device, or MicroSD card, etc