2023-02-13 5:24 AM
Hi everyone, I'm trying to use Input Capture with 1 Timer by using both edges option as external. I'm new at this microcontroller and I could not understand how to make it correctly with HAL library. Can anyone help me how to do?
2023-02-14 12:26 AM
i succesfully use input capture with an stm32g030 for a real product.
I am able to measure frecuencies up to 1Mhz
when i started i got inspired with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqzZ9C0umQ4
2023-02-14 2:21 AM
> correctly with HAL library
Almost impossible. What is possible is to make a thing, which just seems to be mostly working, like is done by every amateur on the internet. That ControllersTech site is a good example of such approach.
Post edited to adhere community guidelines.
2023-02-17 5:54 AM
Thank you for your answer. Forgive me for giving too few detail. I checked ControllersTech before ask the question actually. It makes it with two timers but I'm trying to do with 1 timer by using both edges.
2023-02-17 6:00 AM
@Piranha , such a lovely community :D
2023-02-17 6:01 AM
Im sure you could get the essentials froma dummy like him and paddle trough your solution.
Once you get somethign that resembles a working thing you study more in deep the architecture, and optimice to your needs.
If you require premium optimization you get rid of hal and implement baremetally from there.
2023-02-17 6:01 AM
I'm so gratefull for your reply. It's my fault to giving very few detail. I checked that but as I said below I am trying to use 1 timer with both edges option. Do you have any idea how to do that?
2023-02-18 11:25 AM
The biggest thanks goes to the HAL/Cube team and their management - it wouldn't be so lovely without their highly skilled developers and professional attitude!