2020-10-14 9:46 PM
2020-10-14 11:20 PM
I created a simple random number sequence in a spreadsheet to test my FFT/FHT routines. I set N to something pretty small (32 I think). Then used a spreadsheet to compare the results of my program with the results generated by the following web site - https://scistatcalc.blogspot.com/2013/12/fft-calculator.html
This method helped me catch a minor bug in my algorithm that I would probably have never discovered otherwise (an array addressing error - the original Pascal program I was converting from had arrays that started at 1..N, whereas the C program array started at 0)
2020-10-15 12:47 AM
may be I didn't explain it properly I am using arm dsp library to do it i just need to know how to generate an random input and give to fft inbuilt function