2009-11-02 3:26 AM
how to generate pwm for push-pull converter
2011-05-17 4:28 AM
I'm trying to genereta 3 independent PWMs signals in which each one has 2 alternate outputs like this ones(with the same clock frequency): ____|**|__________|**|______ ____________|**|__________|**|______ The objective is to controlate thre diferent push-pull converters like the old UC3525 did. If been looking in the manual but I haven't found what I'm looking for. Because if I use 2 channels of the same timer I got this: ____|**|__________|**|______ ____|*****|_______|*****|______ And the opposite channels aren't also the solution: ____|**|__________|**|______ ****|__|**********|__|****** I now that the solution should be easy but I haven't found it, can anyone help?2011-05-17 4:28 AM
Thanks for the answer, I've seen that using the timer synchronization function (setting one tiner as slave of the other one) and prefixing a value in the counter of the slave I can handle this as you said.
2011-05-17 4:28 AM
You could use 2 timers with 3 outputs each. Each timer handles one half of the PWM pairs. Let the second timer start exactly T/2 later as the first and use bidirectional PWM to center the pulses. A precise startup delay can probably be implemented by timer event linking.
[ This message was edited by: prx on 02-11-2009 16:35 ]2011-08-09 4:34 PM
Did you get anywhere with this? I'm trying to do something similar.