2015-08-09 4:04 AM
how to force a fix 'LO'(=Vss) in a GPIO pin of stm32f4?
2015-08-09 7:21 AM
Pull down resistor ? GPIO reset code?
Cheers, Hal2015-08-09 8:53 AM
Your question is very awkwardly framed.
You'd get a LOW state (VOL) by configuring the GPIO pin in a PP or OD mode, and writing a zero bit to the GPIOx->ODR controlling the specific pin.2015-08-11 3:47 AM
Awkwardly framed ++; (effort-lite posts skimp upon clarity, needed detail)
Why does a ''fixed'' logic low require a GPIO pin? Hard wire to ground should well satisfy. One suspects you used ''fixed'' improperly - and meant logic low upon ''start-up'' - which will be violated by the MCU (briefly) until the code forcing the GPIO to output has executed...