2017-04-12 3:53 AM
I will be designing a custom board for STM32L053C8T6 Controller . And also i want to include a ON board programmer /dubugger by using STM32F103C8T6 chip . So my question is do i need to program STM32F103C8T6 chip to act as a pogrammer or will the IDE take care of it ?I can also see the usage of JTAG pins and SWI pins in the schematics.Can some one tell me how to configure STM32F103C8T6 ? Any driver for it needed ?
2017-04-12 8:00 AM
The Discovery boards have such a configuration: a host (user) processor and a debugger processor, really a F103 one, that contains ST-Link firmware that makes an USB-driven JTAG/SWD adapter. If you want to implement the similar configuration, you would need the ST-Link firmware that is, definitely, not free. Talk to ST: maybe you could purchase F103 CPUs flached by ST-Link and install them onto your board to support your F05x CPU.
To an ST-Link adapter you can download USB drivers from the ST.COM site; the most known IDEs support the ST-Link.
On my optinion, there is no sense to accompany a host (user) CPU with an additional CPU just to debug and program the host CPU: first, you can design a SWD/JTAG connector to your host CPU for debugging (just three pins for SWD Data, Clock and GND) or use a built in UART boot loader in every ST32F CPU. See 'flash loader demonstrator' and application notes to this issue.
2017-04-12 10:24 AM
You'd likely need to licence and pay for the ST-LINK firmware, which you then have to program into the chip.
I know Atmel/Microchip sell a similar debug chip for their products, not sure ST sells an off-the-shelf version.