2014-08-14 2:09 PM
I have a project with STM32F417 and want to change it to SMT32F407.I cant find any way to change the CPU.How can I change without enter all information again into STMCube?Tkans for you help.2014-08-14 2:56 PM
As far as I have been able to figure out, it is not possible, which is quite annoying. Best you can do if you use their selection filter and then pick a package/variation is change to a different variation (like different package, ram, flash, etc).
2014-08-15 3:37 AM
Yes I would do that but after the CPU is choosed, after exit and restart the STM32Cube, there is no way to change. I see in the projectt setting the STM32F417 but cant change it.Right now, I see that I have to enter all information again.Do you have any Idea?Thanks2014-08-15 5:12 AM
Copy the IOC file, and then edit it
2014-08-17 6:09 AM
Dear Clive,
Thats a good idea. I looked at the file but I'm afraid that I write something wrong in it and the whole project will be damaged.As you see in the level of the STM32Cube, its right now still in change. It could happen that it cant work correctly because of my wrong information then I probably would search days for a phantom error.I already retyped it.Thanks