2014-07-02 12:36 PM
I want to add a function to background, it should be work independently, I mean it won't affect clock and date. Thanks2014-07-02 2:46 PM
I try to add 2 lines, but it does not work. why?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ xTaskCreate( *Monitorr, ''Monitorr()'', 0x0000400, NULL, 2, NULL ); vTaskStartScheduler (); /* Create GUI task */ osThreadDef(GUI_Thread, GUIThread, osPriorityHigh, 0, 15 * configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE); osThreadCreate (osThread(GUI_Thread), NULL); ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please help Thanks2014-07-02 4:53 PM
I make some correction, but it still doesn't work:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Create at least one task before starting the kernel. //xTaskCreate( vTaskCode, ''NAME'', STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL ); xTaskCreate(vTaskCode, ''Monitorr()'', 0x0000400, NULL, 2, NULL ); vTaskStartScheduler(); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please help. Thanks2014-07-02 6:07 PM
Please help. Thanks
Sorry really don't have any experience with . You'll need to read the manual or get some training.