2020-05-15 12:40 AM
we have a STM32L07CBT6 and we want to disable the VREFINT with following HAL functions
but still want to use the BOR. Therefore I checked the section of VREFINT (6.2.4) and BOR (6.2.2) in the reference manual
According to manual and some online research it’s not clear how VREFINT influences the BOR?
Best regards
Gerd Mueller
2020-05-15 5:22 AM
What isn't clear about that? VREFINT is enabled when BOR is enabled. Sounds like VREFINT provides the voltage reference for the BOR comparator.
2020-05-15 6:07 AM
For example VREFINT influences the ADC internal temperature sensor (explained in the manual), which I don't need. So I can still use the ADC for my use-case, but for BOR maybe some 'feature' is influeunces which I don't know and maybe don't need.
In total, when I want to use the BOR all the time, it's not possible to disable VREFINT permanently and I will lost one power saving feature?
2020-05-15 6:16 AM
That's what it says. I don't know what happens if you try to disable it, maybe enabling BOR overrides whatever setting you put in.