2016-11-03 3:27 PM
I am doing some experiments with STM32F469I-Discovery, in some example with LCD there are images (e.g. life_augmented_argb8888.h). How is possible convert an image create with Photoshop in code similar to: const uint32_t image_name[size] { 0xFFFFFFFF ... } It is possible to handle the transparency? Thank you Livio2016-11-03 7:04 PM
You can use basic C File IO (fopen, fread, fclose, etc) to read binary data, and output it in an ASCII format suitable for compilation.
Tools likehttps://www.segger.com/emwin-bitmap-converter.html
do this kind of data translation.2016-11-04 1:37 AM
The free GIMP software always had the capability to export images as C code.
2016-11-05 7:16 AM
Thank you very much.