2018-12-09 8:02 AM
I am very new to these toolchains, coming from Arduino IDE.
I tried many times to search how to import a project someone shared on github and cant seem to find an answer...
Here is the project intended for the STM32F4 Discovery board:
How do I import that into Atollic or even Eclipse so it is buildable and allow me to edit it?
I think it may use a makefile, but I am not familiar at all about those.
Thank in advance if anyone can help out.
2018-12-09 9:41 AM
>>I think it may use a makefile, but I am not familiar at all about those.
It says it does
It's an invocation of the tools from the command line. Doesn't stop you editing the source files in an editor or environment of your choice.
Try building with make to see how it builds and the directories and file involved.
2018-12-09 9:47 AM
Then create a shell or template project and "Add Existing Files" type inclusion of the .C portions, and "Include Paths" configuration of the directories containing the .H files referenced.
Review the makefile itself to see "Command Line" parameters which are being passed into the Compiler/Linker tools.
2018-12-09 10:46 AM
Thanks for trying to help me Clive.
Alot of what you have said so far is past my current knowledge of how to use those features of the IDE.
I get kinda what you are saying, but am lost in so many ways.
"It's an invocation of the tools from the command line."
This I don't understand.. :(
"Try building with make to see how it builds and the directories and file involved."
Again, I unfortunately don't have this knowledge.. :(
I guess I really don't know much at all about how to use these IDE's.
I can get the files/folders into Atollic as a Project, but it would not build.
I can edit it, but many errors showed up.
I took a look at what I've been trying to "import" into a new project and seen many of the folders have "makefile"s over and over again.
Like Debug and Default Folders have their own Makefiles.
I did manage to Start a New Project like this
Copy files folder into a new folder. Removed many extra folders that I'm sure are not needed.. then,
New Project>Makefile project with existing code>
Gave it a Project Name and pointed to Folder in "Existing Code Location"
Then clicked Properties and it had No Current toolchain, so I chose Atollic ARM Tools
I set Current Builder to GNU Make Builder
Folders I kept are-
It tries to build, but I get this error and it stops-
"../drivers/USBH_midi_class/Src/usbh_MIDI.c:31:23: fatal error: usbh_MIDI.h: No such file or directory"
Sorry if I completely miss what you tried to explain. I am so new to all this.