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Help designing STM32F107 Breakout board

Posted on October 08, 2012 at 18:24


I am designing a breakout board for STM32F107RCT6, my main requirements are:

  1. Minimum components
  2. Program reflash via DFU mode
  3. Able to use the DFU USB as a Virtual Com Port in user application

Based on my research, I need:

  1. BOOT0 = 1, BOOT1 = 0 since I only need to boot into System Memory
  2. Weak pull-up on NRST (is it actually needed? NRST has an internal pull-up, right? CD00164185.pdf, figure 5)
  3. PA10/PD6/PB5 either pull-up or pull-down
  4. HSE & LSE clocks per reference design (CD00164185.pdf)
    1. 4 to 24MHz crystal on HSE
  5. PA9 to USB_VBUS
    1. Bootloader V3.x does not specify that it is required? 
    2. How do I find out which bootloader version in on a given chip?
  6. PA11 to D-, PA12 to D+ via 22Ohm series resistors
    1. If I do not need OTG feature (only need Virtual Com Port), do I need to connect any other pins? Like the OTG_FS_ID (PA10)

Am I missing any connections? Any help is highly appreciated.

Thank you
Posted on October 08, 2012 at 21:47

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