2021-05-28 2:10 PM
I am writing a library for the ISM43362-M3G-L44 module of the B-L475E-IOT01A, and I have a problem with receiving messages from an MQTT broker, when I ask the first time it works correctly but after the module stops responding , it no longer accepts SPI communication and the RDY pin is never high again (available)
This is my code
WiFi_status status;
uint8_t size=10;
char buffer[size];
memset(buffer, '\0', size);
itoa(1, buffer, 10);
status = write_cmd_WiFi(SET_READ_TRANSPORT_PACKET_SIZE, "1", timeout);
if(status != WiFi_OK) return status;
status = write_cmd_WiFi(READ_TRANSPORT_DATA, '\0', timeout);
memset(message, '\0', MAX_SIZE_MESSAGE);
copy(message, WiFi.buffer_rx);
return status