2014-04-23 1:00 AM
Good Morning,
I am a new user on the forum.I am working on some digital filter implementation on STM32F303, mounted on a discovery board.I have found that the prototype of the function arm_provide_guard_bits_q7 is missed in the math_helper.h file. This generate a compilation error.I am using STM32F30x_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.0l and the DSP library included in the CMSIS folder.Giovanni2014-04-23 2:21 AM
Correct, it is also not present in my copy.
Not sure which part of the DSP lib originated at ARM, and which part at ST. But superficially judging by the typos in the header, it doesn't seem to be very mature. And if I remember correctly, the new Nucleos firmware packages don't contain any DSP lib code anymore, so ST seems probably not compelled to maintain it. And you can of course add the prototype to your local copy ...2014-04-23 3:48 AM
Yes, my intention was only to inform and eventually correct for future release, if any!