2016-10-17 12:16 PM
Hi all, I'm developing a board that will host a 7'' to 10'' tft screen. The cpu on the board is a STM32F429. To store the data (frames) that the controller will puts on display I need to set up the system to use an external SDRAM that will do the job of ''frame buffer''. I use STcubeMX as code configurator and TrueStudio to develop my code (will migrate but this isn't the point). My question is: after I configured the FMC to interact with external SDRAM, should I write an ad-hoc linker script? is there any frame buffer example that use, maybe, LL library?
Thanks in advance #ldtc #sdram #!stm32f42016-10-18 12:49 AM
You can start with FMC example which describes how to configure the FMC controller to access the SDRAM memory:STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.13.0\Projects\STM324x9I_EVAL\Examples\FMC\FMC_SDRAMHave a look at the (section: 37 Flexible memory controller (FMC)).Regards2016-10-19 09:29 AM
Thank you a lot for you replay, I'm going to check right now!
Regards, Gabriele