2018-03-06 4:28 PM
Hello, when trying to flash a Nucleo-L4R5ZI through Atollic TrueStudio 9.0.0 on a most recent Debian stable, I keep getting the error below.
I am using STLink Firmware V2J30M19 (newest). Does anybody have an idea? Thanks.
Atollic TrueSTUDIO gdbserver for ST-Link. Version 4.2.0 (LINUX64 2018-01-16 10:57:14 15656)
Copyright (c) 2018, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.Starting server with the following options: Persistant Mode : Disabled LogFile Name : /home/..................... Logging Level : 31 Listen Port Number : 61234 Status Refresh Delay : 15s Verbose Mode : Enabled SWD Debug : EnabledAtollic TrueSTUDIO gdbserver for ST-Link. Version 4.2.0 (LINUX64 2018-01-16 10:57:14 15656)
Hardware watchpoint supported by the target STM32 device: Flash size =2048Enter STM32_AppReset() function NVIC_DFSR_REG = 0x00000009NVIC_CFGFSR_REG = 0x00000000XPSR = 0x01000000ST_LINK Major version =2 Jtag version =30ST_LINK VID=1155 PID=14155ST_LINK device status: HALT_MODEST_LINK detects target voltage =3.24 VoltST-Link device initialization OKWaiting for debugger connection...Waiting for connection on port 61234...Waiting for connection on port 61235...Accepted connection on port 61234...Debugger connectedST_LINK device status: HALT_MODEReading 0x4 bytes of memory from addr 0x8000514 Reading 0x2 bytes of memory from addr 0x8000510 Reading 0x2 bytes of memory from addr 0x8000512 Reading 0x4 bytes of memory from addr 0x8000548 Accepted connection on port 61235...Flash erase: Address= 0x8000000, Length=24576 Flash write: Address= 0x8000000, Length=444 Programming flash.. STM32 device: flash programming successful 0x8000000 Flash write completed in 0.083000 seconds, 5.224025kB/sFlash write: Address= 0x80001c0, Length=2992 Programming flash.. STM32 device: flash programming successful 0x80001bc Programming flash.. STM32 device: flash programming successful 0x80001c0 Flash write completed in 0.228000 seconds, 12.815245kB/sFlash write: Address= 0x8000d70, Length=2928 Programming flash.. STM32 device: flash programming successful 0x8000d70 Flash write completed in 0.155000 seconds, 18.447584kB/sFlash write: Address= 0x80018e0, Length=2960 Programming flash.. STM32 device: flash programming successful 0x80018e0 Flash write completed in 0.160000 seconds, 18.066423kB/sFlash write: Address= 0x8002470, Length=2960 Programming flash.. STM32 device: flash programming successful 0x8002470 Flash write completed in 0.154000 seconds, 18.770287kB/sFlash write: Address= 0x8003000, Length=3008 Programming flash.. Flash programming alignment errorFlash write completed in 0.125000 seconds, 23.500000kB/sReading 0x20 bytes of memory from addr 0xe00fffd0 Reading 0x40 bytes of memory from addr 0x8000540 Reading 0x40 bytes of memory from addr 0x8000500 Enter STM32_AppReset() function NVIC_DFSR_REG = 0x00000009NVIC_CFGFSR_REG = 0x00000000XPSR = 0x01000000Debugger connection lost.Shutting down...#nucleo-l4r5zi-flash-programming-alignment-error2018-03-07 1:39 AM
Probably this is Atollic TrueSTUDIO gdb-server specific.
2018-06-06 4:46 AM
Same problem here - (I'm surprised that nobody from ST bothered to look into this)
Atollic Studio 9.0
Aurelian Lazarut
Adaptive Design ltd.