2009-08-21 8:17 PM
FLASH programme in application
2011-05-17 4:21 AM
Hello all,
In our application, we want to do a back up of somes variables and put them in 1 page of the flash memory, we try to use it like an eeprom. The question is : how can i reserve 1 page in flash memory to be sure that they won't be ecrased when we programm the micro or when there is no power? Thx :p2011-05-17 4:21 AM
I think you shoud employ IAP in your application. Use the first 4KB of FLASH to store a IAP bootloader. Then update your Application Code page by page, and not affect unused pages(these pages then can used for data store). You may try the FreeIAP in mcuisp.exe, a STM32 ISP program write by me. James Peng www.mcuisp.com MSN:mcuisp@hotmail.com [ This message was edited by: mcuisp on 22-08-2009 09:15 ] [ This message was edited by: mcuisp on 22-08-2009 09:15 ]