2008-04-15 12:57 AM
faster speed than 115200 with virtual com port or any other way?
2011-05-17 03:30 AM
Is there any way to reach speed more than baud rate 115200 with virtual com port?
or any other USB communication method between STM32 and PC can speed up and ready to use for people who do not know USB at all?2011-05-17 03:30 AM
you could experiment with
and test the speed.2011-05-17 03:30 AM
Go to function :UART0_Config in ''Hw.config.c'' and then comment the first condition as I have done here and Now it is working with higher baudrates that are enabled in your PC.
/******************************************************************************* * Function Name : UART0_Config. * Description : Configure the UART 0 according to the linecoding structure. * Input : None. * Return : Configuration status TRUE : configuration done with success FALSE : configuration aborted. *******************************************************************************/ bool USART_Config(void) { /* set the bit rate*/ /*if ((linecoding.bitrate > 115200) || (linecoding.bitrate < 1200) ) { USART_Config_Default(); return (FALSE); }*/////////////////////////: Modified by STOne-32. /* set the Stop bit*/ switch (linecoding.format) { case 0: USART_InitStructure.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_1; break; case 1: USART_InitStructure.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_1_5; break; case 2: USART_InitStructure.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_2; break; default : { USART_Config_Default(); return (FALSE); } } /* set the parity bit*/ switch (linecoding.paritytype) { case 0: USART_InitStructure.USART_Parity = USART_Parity_No; break; case 1: USART_InitStructure.USART_Parity = USART_Parity_Even; break; case 2: USART_InitStructure.USART_Parity = USART_Parity_Odd; break; default : { USART_Config_Default(); return (FALSE); } } /*set the data type : only 8bits and 9bits is supported */ switch (linecoding.datatype) { case 0x07: USART_InitStructure.USART_WordLength = USART_WordLength_8b; break; case 0x08: USART_InitStructure.USART_WordLength = USART_WordLength_9b; break; default : { USART_Config_Default(); return (FALSE); } } USART_InitStructure.USART_BaudRate = linecoding.bitrate; USART_InitStructure.USART_HardwareFlowControl = USART_HardwareFlowControl_None; USART_InitStructure.USART_Mode = USART_Mode_Rx | USART_Mode_Tx; USART_Init(USART1, &USART_InitStructure); USART_Cmd(USART1, ENABLE); return (TRUE); }