2008-07-18 3:42 AM
2011-05-17 3:39 AM
Hi JJ,
Thank you for the quick reply! The board was preloaded with the graphical demo, including the ''power-point'' like slides and voice, calendar, ''funny'' etc. I'm able to restore that code using Dfuse and the supplied .dfu images. I just wanted to take the IAR eval board code, build it, generate a .dfu file from the .hex and upload it to the eval board via Dfuse since I don't have a programmer. When my .dfu file is uploaded via Dfuse nothing happens. The screen goes white and the board remains in DFU mode. I can only get the .dfu images supplied with the eval board to work properly. Is there a setting in the linker that I need to change when generating code that will be uploaded via DFU? Thanks in advance! ettore2011-05-17 3:39 AM
NOW no doubt - you have convinced me! (feared your earlier report was anecdotal - but it instead springs from ''both'' horses' mouth!) Suspect that normal/small disty still stock suspect rev's - caveat emptor STM users. Arm_Wrestler - thanks for sounding this alert - you likely have saved many from avoidable grief. (I am sufficiently challenged JUST trying to make our stuff work - even when all devices/systems are GOOD...)2011-05-17 3:39 AM
Your detail may have provided a great clue...
Invoke IAR's ''Options'' and insure that ''load code to Flash'' (or similar) is ticked. (on the road now - can't do this for you now & can't precisely recall...) You're very close - sometimes the last steps are the hardest - keep pushing. Again - be sure you understand boot0/1. Good luck.2011-05-17 3:39 AM
Hello Guys, the situation so far:
The good news: The STM32F103VBT6 (100 pin LQFP)devices supplied by Farnell for my production pcb's were rev ''Y'' silicon. :) http://uk.farnell.com/1447641/semiconductors-integrated-circuits/product.us0?sku=stmicroelectronics-stm32f103vbt6&_requestid=80311 The bad news: I tried to replace the STM103RBT6 (64 pin LQFP) rev ''B'' device on my IAR STM32-SK dev board with a newer rev ''Y'' device which I ordered from Farnell. http://uk.farnell.com/1447640/semiconductors-integrated-circuits/product.us0?sku=stmicroelectronics-stm32f103rbt6&_requestid=79321 Unfortunately the replacement chip was a rev ''B'' device also ! :( So don't assume re-sellers have up to date silicon, Farnell seem to have a mix. I will have to go through ST sample channels now, I hope it doesn't take too long. I wan't a working reference design you see, to compare with my production pcb's.2011-05-17 3:39 AM
Hi JJ,
I decided to try the Flash Loader demonstrator and that worked perfectly. I'll play with the eval kit like this for now. Thanks for the help! Ettore2011-05-17 3:39 AM
Thanks your report - indeed disty will ''push'' existing stock - beware... Would love to learn - if earlier error msg. disappears and if code runs correctly with your new ''Y'' devices. Wish you success... One of the STM docs (datasheet/RM0008) identifies exactly where the Rev mark is located. We will likely have to ''feed'' this diagram to disty when ordering parts - to insure that we get recent silicon...