2014-04-30 6:34 AM
I want to communicate stm32f407(bare metal) with the PC using ethernet (TCP/IP) and send as well as recieved data....How to do this can ay body guide me....I have experinced in writing linux systems but not with this can anybody help me....
2014-04-30 6:43 AM
Several TCP/IP stacks can be found under ''Design Resources'' for the chip
The lwIP implementation is herehttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF257906
There are other IAP examples using Ethernet2014-05-02 12:03 AM
HI clive
Thanks for the link .....but I have a doubt like my board is stm32discovery it doesn't have MAC and ethernet port within it . So without MAc how it will get the ip address ......how they are doing in the code the way they have mentioned it's bit complicated . What is this MII configuration mode and RMII configuration mode got to know from the read me file. I am pretty sure some interface is required which is having MAC as well as ethernet port. for that which is the thing is available so that i can able to test. I mean which pin to connect they are using some DHCP server what it do exactly. Can you explain me some basics of this code which is acting as what .2014-05-02 6:32 AM
Yeah, I'm not up for that level of tutorial stuff,
Want to add Ethernet to an STM32F4-DISCO, take a look at the and it's supporting materials. There are other break-out board available, and boards like the WaveSharehttp://www.wvshare.com/product/XCore407I.htm
and Olimexhttps://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/ST/STM32-E407/open-source-hardware
LwIP is one of the possible TCP/IP stacks, there are others both free and pay. You get to hard code a MAC address, and chose if you want a fixed IP address or dynamic IP via DHCP.