2014-06-24 8:08 AM
I try to make a simple program using a STM32F013ZE microcontroller, but i receive the next error :
''.\Blink four LEDs.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol SystemInit (referred from startup_stm32f10x_hd.o).
Not enough information to list image symbols.''
Program code : &sharpinclude<stm32f10x.h> // STM32F103 definitionsvoid wait();int main (void) { unsigned int i; // LED variable RCC->APB2ENR |= (1UL << 7); // Enable GPIOF, GPIOC, GPIOB clock GPIOF->CRL = 0x33000000; // PF.6, PF.7 defined as Outputs GPIOF->CRH = 0x33; // PF.8, PF.9 defined as Outputs while (1) { for(i = 1<<6; i < 1<<10; i <<= 1) { GPIOF->BSRR = i; // Turn LED on wait(); // call wait function GPIOF->BRR = i; // Turn LED off } }}void wait(void) { int d; for(d = 0; d < 1000000; d++); // only to delay for LED flashes} #gpio #stm32