2018-04-01 3:58 AM
Hey guys,
I used to be able to download my program to my stm32f723 discovery, but for some reason now when I want to flash even the untouched code, which I got by generating the stm32 cube project I always get errors: Contents mismatch at: 0800406BH (Flash=00H Required=01H) ! - I get like hundreds of this type of errors.
Error: Flash Download failed - 'Cortex-M7'
Can you please help me how can I fix that?
#cortex-m7 #stm32 #discovery #flash #error #download #stm32f7232018-04-01 5:13 AM
Use different tools? Use different settings? Question lacks a lot of context.
If failing in single bank mode, used dual bank mode.
Check cable
Check option bytes
Use ST-LINK Utilities