2014-03-19 7:16 AM
to be migrated, sourceId: 39513:697285D7-A9CA-445D-B16C-F23BF0E3B1A3
2014-03-19 7:23 AM
The chip does not start with the external oscillator, it uses the HSI. The power-on-reset circuit is based on the Analogue supply pins.
You should check the orientation and soldering of the part. You should check the capacitors and voltages at the VCAP pins. You should check the state of the NRST pin. How are the BOOTx pins configured? If you have USART1 attached to PA9/PA10 you could try sending an 0x7F byte at 9600 8E1 with BOOT0 held high at reset and observing if you get an 0x79 response. (Send Hex in something like RealTerm)2014-03-19 7:47 AM
The orientation and soldering are correct
On VCAP1 an VCAP2 I have 1,26V and the capacitors are 2u2FOn NRST I have a pull up to 3V3Pin BOOT0 are NCAnd how I can send an 0x7F byte at 9600 8E1 with BOOT0 ?2014-03-19 7:54 AM
I'd use RealTerm, or a custom app. If the design lacks a serial port, you could wire up a USB-to-CMOS Serial type adapter.
Using the System Loader in this fashion, is about one of the only signs-of-life tests for the part. There's USART3 or USB, too, but hooking up a serial connection is the easiest I'm aware of. If the part offers no signs-of-life, the JTAG/SWD won't work either, and you'll need to review more carefully the pins you've got wired up and the supplies, etc.2014-03-19 8:04 AM
Ok thanks
But how we connecte de UART1 to the PC ?2014-03-19 8:09 AM
With a USB TTL it will be good ?
2014-03-19 8:10 AM
Where TTL/CMOS is at 3V or 3.3V depending on supply, just won't work with RS232 levels.2014-03-19 8:42 AM
I connected the USB TTL to 3V,GND,RX and TX of USART1 but BOOT0 will be connected to what ?
2014-03-19 9:46 AM
You'd need to pull it high, and reset the part.
2014-03-20 8:24 AM
After a few tests I removed the resistor between the STM and the quartz (25MHz) and now I can connect de ST-LINK at the board. So the oscillator are disconnect of the STM.
But now I have another problem, the programme seem be inside de STM but nothing work.My programme should be generate some PWM signals but I have a Continuous signal (1,8V) and it should turn on 3 LED.Before I test the programme on a STM32F4-Discovery (with a STM32F407) and it works perfectly.