2013-04-03 5:15 AM
I have successfully run some of the simple demos on the STM32F4Dsicovery board but when I try a couple of the usart examples I get this message in debug mode:
*** error 65: access violation at 0x40023800 : no 'read' permission the location is this line: /* Reset the RCC clock configuration to the default reset state ------------*/ /* Set HSION bit */ RCC->CR |= (uint32_t)0x00000001; I have the same debug setting sas before ie. ST-Link Debugger, Port=SW,SWDIO = 0x2BA01477 ARM Coresight SW-DP and on the Utilities the Programming Algorithm is: STM32F4xx Flash On-chip Flash 1M 0800000H - 080FFFFFH I now also get the same debug message when I go back to the previous working Flash LED examples. Thanks in advance #keil-debugger #usart-stm32f407 #keil-simulator2013-04-03 9:38 AM
Keil? Sure you're not trying to run the code in the simulator?
2013-04-05 3:42 AM
Yes using Keil, uVision4 and I don't think I'm using the simulator, I'll check and get back to you ...
Thanks for the reply.2013-04-17 1:54 AM
*** error 65: access violation at 0x40023800 : no 'read' permission
So give it some 'read' permission, then!