2016-12-21 12:16 AM
Dear Sir,
Can you tell me HAL_MspInit(void) function belongs to which STM device ?
Doesnt it belongs to
I have srearch in this document, but didnt find
UM1785 User manual
Description of STM32F0xx HAL and Low-layer drivers?
2016-12-21 12:58 AM
Doesnt it belongs to
It is shown as an element of
, thus is a function implemented in this file.Those tree elements are basically Eclipse -standard, and look alike in most Eclipse-based IDEs.
Perhaps your question contains a spelling mistake, and you meant
7x. In this case, the answer would be yes.ST had been pretty consistent in this naming.
would include all F devices,stm32f0xx
all F0 devices (e.g. F03x, F05x, F07x, ...) andstm32f07x
all F07 family devices.The STM32F7 is a quite different animal ...
2016-12-21 2:11 AM
Dear Sir Avartar,
Nice to get you here again!
Thank you to clear my confusion.
Dont you think, I can use that mentioned manual.
Perhaps your question contains a spelling mistake, and you meant stm32f07x.
While searching in online, I got to know most of the people use
Take a look in this link,
Again I am on a mad question, perhaps for my ignorance, )for your kind information I have stared using Ecilipse, gave up co-coox and mdk-keil, using just state, utility files)
Dont you think, something wrong in cubemx?
2016-12-21 4:07 AM
Dont you think, something wrong in cubemx?
I think not - at least not in this regard ... ;)
As mentioned earlier, Eclipse uses two 'tools':
I know this yellow hints in your picture all-too-well. This is the parser who cannot (for what reason soever) find/resolve all includes. If it builds, there is no real issue with the code.
Please don't ask me how to get that parser thing right ...
I just like to postulate that the parser sometimes fails on #includes embraced with #if / #endif, or includes depending on #defines.
2016-12-21 5:47 PM
I think not - at least not in this regard ... ;)
Its confusing, if your selected peripheral from stm32cubemx would absent or exists on main.c ( if we do intentionally) somehow it could make such error.
Forsure , things should not be exists twice.
This is the parser who cannot (for what reason soever) find/resolve all includes. If it builds, there is no real issue with the code.
Do you mean considering parser is less important as priority should be given in
Please don't ask me how to get that parser thing right ..
.Lets avoid it as long as anybody could explain.
2016-12-21 11:02 PM
Do you mean considering parser is less important as priority should be given in
It would be great if it worked. I searched once for a remedy (on a proprietary, Eclipse/GCC based toolchain) and found nothing - at least not in an acceptable time frame. Thus I learned to ignore it.
Perhaps someone can tell you how to do it - not me.
I'm not even sure if an Eclipse-specific forum would be helpful ...
2016-12-22 12:24 AM
I'm not even sure if an Eclipse-specific forum would be helpful ..
Yes, that forum is often keep silence!