2016-02-01 5:10 PM
I'm learning about the whole STM32 environment (specifically using an STM32L4 Discovery board) and trying to use the STM32CubeMX software.
Under the USB peripheral, there are a number of options that make reference to such things as ''SOF'' (which I think I understand) and ''NOE'' (no clue!!!) and selecting these assign pins to the function.Specifically with regard to the ''NOE'' option but more generally, is there any documentation that provides details of what each and every options does, why it would be selected and the impacts on selecting/not selecting it?Susan2016-02-01 10:06 PM
Congrats, you too have discovered that ST make great hardware, but some of their documentation can be a bit... questionable...
I'd suggest that you read the relevant sections of the reference manual, with an eye to the pinout descriptions in the user manual.2016-02-02 1:43 AM
Thanks for the suggestion! I will forward this to our team as enhancement.-Syrine-2016-02-02 5:57 PM
Thanks for the suggestion but I have already done that (I think).
Assuming you are talking about the (in my case) STM32L476xx data sheet, then there are numerous references to ''NOE'' but there are only 4 that relate to the USB (the others relate to FMC) and they simply reference the alternate function pins. Alternatively if you mean the RM0351 STM32L4x6 advanced ARM-base 32-bits MCUs Reference Manual, then there are no references to NOE in relation to the USB peripheral. However there is a reference to ''NOE'' as begin ''Output Enable'' (again an FMC signal) but I can't relate an ''output enable'' signal to any USB operation (I can for an SOF signal but that is another story).Am I looking at the wrong reference manuals?Susan2016-02-03 3:42 AM
I've had a look through both the user and reference manuals and you're quite right - NOE isn't mentioned at all in the reference manual, despite the user manual being quite clear that ''OTG_FS_NOE'' can be mapped to PC9 or PA11 as an alternate function. That's quite an oversight on ST's part, but they're only up to v3 of the RM for the L4; by way of comparison, they're up to v11 for the F4xx :\
You're also correct that NOE is ''NOT Output Enable'', i.e. it's an inverted (active low) output.I’m guessing from your other post that references USB Audio, you’re planning to use the L4 as Host or dual-role.
With reference to CubeMX, after you’ve configured your I/O’s for OTG Host and configured the clocks, if you look in the “Configuration� tab you should find a “USB Host� button under “Middlewares�.
In the “Platform Settings� tab you appear to be able to map “Drive_VBUS_FS� to GPIO PC9.
2016-02-05 8:40 PM
Hello Mark,
Apologies for not replying sooner - I thought I had but I must have not finalised my post correctly.I have done what you said and I can see the ''Drive_VBUS_FS'' item but when I select the ''GPIO:Output'' in the ''Supported IPs'' entry, the only options in the ''Found Solutions'' pull-down are ''Disable'' or ''No Solution found''.I see that this was under V1.12 of STM32CubeMX but I am also downloading right now the next version, V4.13 (slow connection!!!) so I 'll see if that makes any difference.Susan