2014-04-10 11:05 PM
Can some one please help me out my issue is ,
I have a STM32 Hy mini board which I am trying to log data onto a SD card through SDIO interface
''f_write'' function hangs while writing 1092 bytes of data stream per minutes on 4GB SDHC memory card. Is there any turn around to this problem ? Hardware and other system details are ,Card: 4GB SDHCFatfs :Fatfs version 8 Hardware Board:Hy mini STM32V Controller:STM32F103VCT6ThanksRegards #stm32f103vct6 #f_write"-functio"2018-08-10 9:10 AM
Sorry, bumping old zombie unanswered threads off my feed
To understand issues you'd need to instrument SDIO and DISKIO level functionality