2012-01-27 04:11 AM
I can't find any info about the capability of the DAC output buffer of being a current sink. Is it possible? Which is the max sink current?
EDIT: I mean the DAC integrated on the uC chip and connected to GPIO pins, not the on board audio DAC2012-01-27 07:37 AM
Probably because the DAC output is a current source, not a a sink. If you really do mean sink, I am guessing it follows the same rules as any GPIO pin for current injection. If you mean source, Table 69 in the data sheet identifies the minimum load as 1.5K. If you mean current consumption, Table 69 gives quiescent current, to which you add the load current.
If this answer did not suffice, restate the question more specifically. Cheers, Hal2012-01-30 04:01 AM
I do mean current sink and not source. I already found the specification for the GPIO ports that you mention, but I wonder if the DAC pin has got different/better specs because of the software-selectable output buffer for analog signals.
Thanks for replying