2016-04-12 8:18 AM
Compiling a test project for IAR:Could not open file: 'E:\temp\cube4.14\test\EWARM\E:\Prog\STM32CubeMX_repo\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.11.0\Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F4xx\Source\Templates\iar\startup_stm32f439xx.s' useless strcat...Resulting in a 1/2 lost day... I hope that this new version of cubeMX will solve my problem, this morning I was searching why the I2C module sometime brings SDA low. The afternoon I can't compile anymore...2016-04-13 1:03 AM
Hi bonelli,
I think your path is not properly set up: 'E:\temp\....\E:\Prog' !I have checked from my side and successfully open the file startup_stm32f439xx.sTo have more idea about I2C module and SDA, you can refer to the -ForumSTM32-2016-04-13 2:17 AM
Yes the path is wrong this is the reason why I posted: I don't know how to fix it.
http://s21.postimg.org/5kum82yl3/image.pnghttp://s22.postimg.org/513dtrx5t/iar_Path.pnghttp://s28.postimg.org/umloala8t/proj_Cfg.pnghttp://s9.postimg.org/k9u55fr6n/repo_Cfg.png2016-04-13 3:44 AM
Hi bonelli,
Please share your .ioc file to have more details about your problem.Regards-ForumSTM32-2016-04-13 5:16 AM
________________ Attachments : test.ioc : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I1JG&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000blA%2FYZiVjue7pAJctHCl3a6MZcyoMl3Fh16I1MeoQ4aX48o&asPdf=false2016-04-13 2:16 PM
I have also the wrong path when I copy the .ioc in other repository and re-generate it (concatenate previous/original .ioc location with new one) !Maybe you can try to generate your project in new and clean repository (without copy .ioc or generating in old path)Regards2016-04-14 1:53 AM
This is what I do with the previous test folder.
I retried 2 times (STM32F4 & STM32L4), always in a clean folder, the problem is the same.2016-04-14 5:20 AM
Please note that I tryed with an other computer, fresh installation of cubeMX => same results, paths are corrupted.
COULD ST PROVIDES OLDER VERSIONS OF CUBEMX ?Because this one is NOT working with professional tools such IAR. So ALL my projects are waiting and as a professional this is NOT acceptable.2016-04-15 1:07 AM
Dear user,
This problem is under investigation. As a workaround, perform a ''Save Project as'' then generation is ok. Best regards2016-10-06 8:31 AM
Dear user,
This issue has been solve in STM32CubeMX 4.16.
Best regards