2015-09-02 07:20 AM
Hi, I need to send 16kbyte from uC to the PC. PC is host. I'm using CDC.
What is the best way to use hal library to wait for a character from de PC to start send data? is CDC_Receive_FS function a blocking function? thank2015-09-05 02:27 AM
Maybe my lib can help you here. Using Getc function you can check if character is received.
http://stm32f4-discovery.com/2015/08/hal-library-21-multi-purpose-usb-library-for-stm32fxxx/2015-09-05 10:13 AM
Ok, I will look at them. BTW you helpd me a month ago with my keil installation on your web page, with team viewer!
I receive my F7 board so I'm looking at your lib's for it. unfortunatley I use system workbench and I have to figure out how to import them. Thank