2013-07-24 12:47 AM
Until yesterday I haven't got any problems to launch my code into flash memory with CooCoxIDE. STLink utility and STMStudio have worked well also.But this morning, I can't do all thius things :C:\CooCox\CoIDE>''C:/CooCox/CoIDE/bin\coflash.exe'' program STM32F407VG ''..../Desktop/test/Debug/bin/test.elf'' --adapter-name=ST-Link --port=SWD --adapter-clk=1000000 --erase=affected --driver=''C:/CooCox/CoIDE/flash/STM32F4xx_1024.elf''
Error: Connect failed, check config and cable connection
STLink Utility says :
No target connectedBut the com LED is ON when I connect my board on usb port... But when the CooCox IDE launcheds the message error, this LED is turned OFF. I don't understand what's this funky problem.I tried to plug BOOT0 with VDD but it makes nothing seemingly...Thks.
2013-07-24 11:55 PM
No idea ?
I tried with a new project on CooCox IDE... but it doesn't work.2014-05-22 8:33 PM
Hi Michel,
I'm exactly the same problem your. I wonder how it has solved your problem.att. Jot2014-09-30 1:04 AM
Hi Dear
Try to hold the Reset button (on board) down and during this push the Erase button(on Programmer software like CoFlash) then after about 0.5 second free the reset button I solved you problem on my STM-32F407 Discovery this way :D