2012-10-22 5:52 AM
I have implemented the USB MSC Host application on a STM32F4, but it never detects the connected USB stick in the USBH_core state machine. I also know that the OTG_FS_IRQHandler() never gets executed the whole time. I guess there is something wrong in the usb_bsp.c file, but I used the one for STM32F4 from the project ''Audio_playback_and_record''. Unfortunately this is a library for USB device, not host. Do I have to apply any changes to this file to make it work for hosts or is it the same for hosts and devices? Link to my usb_bsp.c: http://www.file-upload.net/download-6722786/usb_bsp.c.html Or are there any system clock values I have to set?2012-10-23 6:13 AM
I changed my IDE to Keil and now it works.