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Compiler not working

Associate II
Posted on May 13, 2016 at 12:56

Hi to all,

I am using Keil and it works fine, but I would like to try STM32F4xx series, so I would like to change compiler.

I tried both EmIDE and CooCox, but I am not able to obatin a working executable.

I realized a working program on Keil (a simple led blinker) and it works.

The same code on the other two compilers doesnt'work.

Here is what I got after compilation:

Keil: Code=976 RO-data=216 RW-data=12 ZI-data=1636

EmIDE: Output size is 8.62 KB

CooCox: Text=1868 Data=1084 BSS=36 Dec=2988

Does someone use EmIDE or CooCox?

How do you configure them?

Is it a GCC problem?

Thank you


Associate II
Posted on July 05, 2016 at 19:35

Hi to all,

I got some results. I created another program (a bit more complex) and I compiled it sccessfully. The remaining problem is that all initialization values are lost, so I must write a numeric value or reinitialize variables in runtime.

First question: problem can be ''-fno-common'' option?

I got a sam-ice SWD-usb interface, so, how can I use it for debugging?

I do not know why, ide's do not rcognize it.

Thank you



Attachments :

Gcc-MisCorrente.7z :
Posted on July 05, 2016 at 20:32

The SAM-ICE is locked to ATMEL only devices by the Segger Windows driver.

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