2013-03-13 1:05 AM
Hi everyone!
I haven't found any useful information about my trouble, unfortunately. I am a newbie in STM32 MCUs. But I've used another ARM-based devices before.I've started with STM32F102R8. Using IAR and ST's peripheral library. The program is very simple - just blinking 2 LEDs.The trouble is - it works when I start debugging with j-link through the IAR EWARM, but if I give hard reset or download to the flash without debugging it doesn't work.What can I do? Thanks.2013-03-13 6:47 AM
Yet you don't post the code in case that's the issue.
You need to confirm the right code has been written to flash, your could use the JLink.exe or JMem.exe and inspect. Ensure the tool is set up to compile into FLASH and not RAM. You could use serial port to provide telemetry in the absence of a debug pod, or use GPIO or LED to indicate arrival at certain points. Use bisection to drill down to your issue.