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CAN communication on F303VC boards

Marco Perciavalle
Associate II
Posted on July 30, 2017 at 10:48


I set two F303VC Discovery boards with the same configuration using cubeMx: they have same clock on apb2 bus and time segment 1 and 2 and RJW are both the same.

One is programmed as a receiver and the other as a transmitter.there is no of communication .

I tested this setting in loopback mode and the test was succesful. 

Should I configure clock and bit time parameters in a particular way? Is the problem linked to the wiring? I connected only CANtx to CANtx and CANrx to CANrx (this pin's names are strange because i know that CAN is a differential protocol, so there must be CANH and CANL).

Thanks a lot for any answer.

#can-canopen #can-bus-stm32f303 #can
Posted on July 30, 2017 at 16:10

>>I connected only CANtx to CANtx and CANrx to CANrx (this pin's names are strange because i know that CAN is a differential protocol, so there must be CANH and CANL).

Doesn't work like that, you need a transceiver or diode circuit to construct the bus.

See circuit 60% down this thread using SN65VD230

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john doe
Posted on July 31, 2017 at 17:35

Hi Marco,

In this post you could find information that could help to you: