2012-07-27 3:42 AM
I am trying to communicate STM32F100RB with SD card. Here, I use a code provided by STM for STM32F100VB evolution board. This code contain many functionality like interfacing of Graphics LCD etc. I doesn't need all these except SD Card interfacing so i removed them. But when i debugging it with ST link it stuck into BusFault_handler. Why this is happening, I could not able to find. Why this exception come?
2012-07-27 9:54 AM
What was it doing prior, how far have you stepped into the code?
Are you sure it is a Bus Fault, or just the generic handler that loops around? Have you tried reading the core registers to determine the nature of the fault? Have you made sure the code is running at 24 MHz, and not 72 MHz, or something beyond the spec of the F100 part?