2015-10-15 7:07 AM
Specifically it's the September 2015, DOCID027704, UM1884: Description of STM32L4 HAL and Low-layer drivers Version: 3.0 Size: 6,732 KB from the STM32CubeL4 page.
Presumably this is just an accidental omission, but please get that fixed. There is a lot of new material in this release, but no way to make it usable with the 100 page table of contents. Fortunately I kept my July 2015 copy which does have working bookmarks and links, but I do pity the newcomers.
2015-10-19 6:32 AM
Hi jonper,
Sorry for the inconvenience may bring, yourfeedback is reported. -Shahrzad-2015-11-02 7:56 AM
Hi jonper,
A newhttp://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00173145.pdf
with functional bookmars is available on the web. -Shahrzad-2015-11-02 2:44 PM
Got it, thanks!