2022-10-09 12:12 PM
I'm trying to program STM32WBR55VGY microcontroller in my custom board.
Recently, I succeed to debug my microcontroller but after one time, I can see this message on the STM32cubeIDE during debugging and the microcontroller does not work properly.
"Break at address "0x1fff5e8c" with no debug information available, or outside of program code. error."
How can I solve this problem?
2022-10-09 12:33 PM
In the disassembly, this problem happens when starting HAL_Init();
2022-10-09 2:05 PM
Suggests it's booting from ROM due to BOOT0 high/floating, or FLASH not containing valid image.
Make sure your code sets the vector table address properly via SCB->VTOR
2022-10-09 2:17 PM
Thanks for rely.
Unfortunately, I'm not professional that can understand what you said.
I know there is boot0 boot1 pin but I don't know how to use it and how to setup it in the STM32cubeMX and cubeIDE.
Is there anything I can know this?
By the way, the problem happen again even though I replaced the microcontroller.
2022-10-09 4:18 PM
The pin state at boot is determined by your board design
2022-10-10 10:27 AM
Unfortunately, my board doesn't assigned the boot0 pin.
Because it is BGA pin, I cannot make any manual contact for it.
Is there anything other method?
2022-10-10 10:42 AM
>>Is there anything other method?
Perhaps there's a setting via the Option Bytes?
Best to read and understand the documentation before committing to a design.
>>Because it is BGA pin, I cannot make any manual contact for it.
If you're replacing parts, perhaps you can drill out the PCB at the ball location. Perhaps look at the gerbers and see if there's the possibility
2022-10-10 11:10 AM
Drilling is impossible in current design because there is some path passing that area.
However, I can access to the boot0 pin before assembly. is it possible to access?
By the way, is it general method to boot and programming the micrcocontroller?
In the manual, it has internal bootloader and it is possible to use USART but I cannot find that option in IDE and connection . -> Dose JTAG use USART?
I'm watching AN2606 but still hard to understand and thinking overall situation.
2022-10-10 11:58 AM
The JTAG/SWD works at a gate (flip-flop) level to access internal elements of the IC, via what was classically called scan-chains. The is unrelated to the USART, USB, SPI, I2C, CAN methods which are facilitated by code that is ROM'd into the product, providing software defined/controlled interfaces.
The BOOT state can be controlled via the Options Bytes in the STM32WB, see reference manual page shown in post above.
2022-10-10 12:23 PM
I have two question,
First, if I want to use SWD programming, Do I need boot0 pin to activate bootloader?
Second, I cannot see boot1 pin in my microcontroller STM32WB55VGY6TR. Do you know where is it?