2011-07-28 4:46 AM
Hi, (edit - first time question not displayed)
Is anybody here who use Atollic TrueStudio/STM32 Lite with libraries (.a) ?
I have problem, when I try add library to project (
project Properties -> C/C++ General ->
Paths and Symbols -> Libraries), compiler stop error:
c:/program files/atollic/truestudio stm32 lite 2.1.0/armtools/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-atollic-eabi/4.5.1/../../../../arm-atollic-eabi/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lC:\Users\Home\Atollic\TrueSTUDIO\STM32_workspace\stm\Libraries\simplemac-library.a
I try different locations with library (Program Files, Project folder,
Src folder, USB pen..) and different names of library. I try OSWindows7 and XP. This error always occurs.
If I try add library folder in Library paths, compiller don't find library. Atollic support write me only, this isn't limitation of Lite version.
I want to use stm32w software stack library.
Is there
can add
a library,
#atollic-library #what's-the-question?2011-07-28 5:02 AM
2011-07-28 5:41 AM
Question added
2011-07-28 6:14 AM
Well Atollic is a frustrating environment to work with.
You could try editing the path to use UNIX style directory slashes ie '/' and not '\'2011-07-28 6:41 AM
Thanks, but this isn't solution, problem occurs.
we recommend
I used the
but does not
Preferably one
that supports
mcu, and ST-LINK/V2 probe.Thanks for the suggestions, or any solution of the first question.
2011-07-28 8:03 AM
As it's complaining about the '-IC:\...' part, and not finding it, that's pretty indicative that the -I part is extraneous. You should just have the library/object specified directly on the command line as something to fetch.
Isn't -I supposed to provide a search path, or paths, to the directory, not the explicit file? For libraries it should surely be -L, and I think there is often a space separating the option from the directory. You should just be able to drop the library into the source tree, that's at least how normal IDE's work. I come from the RealView/ARM side of the tracks, so I'd suggest you try the Keil Eval, IAR comes in a close second, it just has some quirks I don't like. ST-LINK V2 should just be a matter of getting the right drivers and DLLs into the right directories. Then again I have a draw full of J-Link and U-Link pods, of different versions, that all have their own strengths and quirks. Don't constrain yourself to just an ST-LINK. On the GNU front I prefer Rowley, and for command line and make style compiling there is WinARM or Yagarto or Code Sourcery.2012-01-11 6:00 AM
I know it's quite a time since the last post has been written, but I have the same problem and it seems that I'm not the only one here. Im afraid, the last hint isnt the solution as -lC:\... is correct, because its a small 'l' (for link) and not an 'I'. I also tried to add the libraries and paths manually via the miscellaneous options with various different formatting ... but without success. Does somebody have a solution for that problem? thanks in advance. sebastian2012-01-11 8:32 AM
You should be able to explicitly name objects and libraries on the linker's command line, it shouldn't need an option as it's a type of file the linker naturally expects as an input. It's rejecting the file you are specifying because the prefix is not recognized as a file by the operating system.
ie lib/libstm32.a ld -L lib main.o stm32f10x_it.o lib/libstm32.a2012-01-12 12:05 AM
I'm working under Windows!
Shouldnt it be possible to configure everything by the IDE? I specified the path in the same way as for the includes. For the library itself (MC_Library_single_drive.a), I tried different variants, e.g. naming only the filename or path+filename. None of that worked. Of course all of that is very specific to atollic IDE. Im using the TrueStudio Lite - hope it's not a ''feature'' of the Lite Version.2012-01-12 4:33 AM
Im using the TrueStudio Lite - hope it's not a ''feature'' of the Lite Version.
I found it frustrating to perform an evaluation, tools that make my life more difficult will stay on the shelf.