2007-12-27 10:50 AM
Assigning GPIO, alternate functions, pin remapping
2011-05-17 3:18 AM
Is there an application like CAPS for STR91x family to help me assign alternate functions and remap pins for the STM32 family ?
Thank you.2011-05-17 3:19 AM
Dear Arm_Wrestler,
Keil has already this tool in their RVMDK running with STM32 and it is very easy to use. Just downlaod STM32 examples from Keil web site and here below an example with USART1 pins, I hope this may help you :) Thx, STOne-322011-05-17 3:19 AM
Thank you STone-32
I am using IARs EWARm IDE and have ordered the ST32M evaluation kit. I think there is a new release of the IDE that should address these issues. In the mean time I will play with the Keil stuff. I am beginning to like ST's family of Cortex-M3 micro-controllers very much . The on-line support is excellent. You guys are putting huge resources into this, thanks ! ;)2011-05-17 3:19 AM
I'm looking on the Keil site for the pin mapping examples you mentioned here. Could you give me more detailed information on finding the examples or software on the Keil site? I've registered on their site so can access anything I need. We were planning to use an STR912 for our logger application but have now decided the lower power of the STM32F103VBT6 instead, despite the lower pin count. The pin mapping on the coretex part is not as clear as it was on the 912, so I'm really digging to understand my options. thanks so much for your help.2011-05-17 3:19 AM
Hi ,
I'm using Keil STM32 examples with their wizard configuration, here the link for downloads, Enjoy :) Magigimix.2011-05-17 3:19 AM
thanks, that's exactly what I'm looking for. Murphy