2008-08-02 5:04 PM
ADC1 triggers once then no more
2011-05-17 3:41 AM
I am not seeing what is going on here. ADC1 has been told by Timer 2 CC2 to start converting. And it does. Once. Yet Timer2 CC2 is working because I set an interrupt on it. Debugger breakpoints in my dummy Timer 2 handler with only CC2 enabled to interrupt. I have to clear the breakpoint to get much of anything else done.
If my code snippets fail to display as code then they will be most difficult to follow. ;** turn on various ports ; ; +-----------------ADC3 = 0 ; |+----------------USART1 = 0 (for now) ; ||+---------------TIMER 8 =0 ; |||+--------------SPI1 = 0 (for now...) ; ||||+-------------TIMER 1 = 0 ; |||||+------------ADC2 = 0 ; ||||||+-----------ADC1 = 1 ; |||||||+----------PORT G = 0 ; ||||||||+---------PORT F = 0 ; |||||||||+--------PORT E = 0 ; ||||||||||+-------PORT D = 1 ; |||||||||||+------PORT C = 1 ; ||||||||||||+-----PORT B = 1 ; |||||||||||||+----PORT A = 1 ; ||||||||||||||x+--AFIO = 0 movs r0,0000001000111100b ldr r4,=baseRCC str r0,[r4,RCC_APB2ENR] ;** setup GPIO port A for analog input on PA4/5 (is ADC12_4/5) ldr r0,=basePORTA ; 76543210 (for GPIO_CRL) ldr r1,=0x44004444 str r1,[r0,GPIO_CRL] ;** setup ADC1 to convert 2 channels on tmr2-CC2 ** ldr r0,=baseADC1 ldr r1,=0x2920 ;enable EOC int & set scan mode & convert 2 chans mov r1,0x120 ;okay, try this str r1,[r0,ADC_CR1] ldr r1,=0x00160801 ;sets tmr2_CC2, left align & enable str r1,[r0,ADC_CR2] movs r1,0x09 ;samps 0&1 1.5 (+5) -> 14 clocks... str r1,[r0,ADC_SMPR2] ;... of 9 MHz = less than 2 uSec / channel movs r1,0x00100000 ;only 2 samples str r1,[r0,ADC_SQR1] movs r1,(4<<0)+(5< str r1,[r0,ADC_SQR3] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ADC ISR ; ; Entered after both ADC conversions are done ; ADC12 ldr r0,=baseADC1 movs r1,0 str r1,[r0,ADC_SR] ;kill ADC start flag & others we dont care about ldr r1,[r0,ADC_DR] ;data (I know I need DMA to read both samples) bx lr Perhaps someone will see my problem from what I believe to be the relevant code. I also need directions about how to post bits of code.