2009-04-21 12:03 AM
ADC problem on STM3210E-Eval Board
2011-05-17 4:10 AM
I'm trying to use ADC1 on stm3210e-eval board. Single channel convertion works fine. But if I use two channels in scan mode I have got problems. For example if I use ADC1_14 and ADC1_15 channels. I can see feedthrough from ADC1_14 to ADC1_15 as soon as ADON in ADC_CR2 register is '1'. If I use ADC1_ch14 and ADC1_ch13 for example then I can only see first cannell in the scan group list to be converted. I use DMA to transfer from ADC_DR to memmory. I tried to use start convertion by setting ADON bit with CONT bit set '1', and I tried to use external trigger to start convertion the result is the same. Has anybody else come accross such a problem?