2020-05-19 9:44 AM
I'm new to STM32 programming but now I have already tried a lot and read quite a bit.
I have a Steval Spin3202 and Spin3201 board (just tested the 3202 yet) and i want to drive two unknown Hoverboard motors with the boards.
I have created a ST Motor Control Workbench projekt and selected the board.
I added the motor parameter and set the Hallsensor to 60° but already tried 120° as well.
Now i have the set the speed Sensing to Hall with 6 fault measurements before Error.
The Voltage Jumper is set to 3.3V and I see that the Voltage drops/rises when spinning the wheel while observing with the voltmeter.
When I start the motor i just see a very small "jump" and then the feedback occures.
I was hoping to have a better drive experience then with Sensorless measurement (that already kind of worked with a ramp and some adjustment, but not very well when Load was applied).
The motor has hall-sensors installed, but i also don't know the characteristics.
My motor should look like this -->
2020-09-14 12:31 AM
Dear SFell.1
Do you have still this problem to solve?
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2020-10-09 6:11 AM
Dear Laurent,
sadly yes, but I made progress! Sorry for my late answer.
I have found out, that I had incorrect order of Hall1,2,3 and I checked it to see what values it does with an ardunino.
It lookes for me like a 120° placement:
H1 - 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1
H2 - 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0
H3 - 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
Also I connected Jumper J5,6,7 (Hall1,2,3) on the SPIN3202 board and opened J9,10,11 (Back-emf). When i press start the Motor just makes a sound but does not start. After a while it goes to error with Speed Feedback. When i turn the drive manually i get a measured speed rpm.
For me it lookes like the drive does not take enough Ampere to start. I checked with my lab bench power supply but the ampere did not go up above 0,2/0,3 (if i remember correctly).
I would need help what i could check or what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks for any help.
2020-10-10 2:54 AM
Additional Info:
I tried it with the 6 Step mode then the Motor kind of jumps but then goes in Fault with the Error "Over current" (but it didn't draw more then 0,6A accourdng to my power supply).
Video (uploaded on OneDrive):
Video with FOC Mode and "Speed Feedback" Error: