2022-12-29 1:33 PM
I have a motor running in the V1.1.3 Motor Pilot.
Now what?
I built a 6step controller of a hi-revving, low inductance/resistance motor. It compiled in STM32CubeIDE and is pushed to the board.
I started the motor pilot and successfully connected to the board.
Made a couple of updates to the input a table of ramp up values - see image. Then monitor bemf (on the graph) and start the motor. It runs for several seconds before indicating "start-up failure"
Is there some documentation about how to tune the app and motor?
Also how do I manipulate the graphs? I notice if I use more buffers I can capture more details but can not zoom it.
2023-01-05 1:29 PM
I found 6.1 to be quite different than the previous version. It seems erratic.