2019-07-18 2:30 AM
After I load the program into the MCU, I tried to connect the device in the monitor and it show the message "connection failed! No response. check the communication cable, the power on the board or the baudrate". I have checked the baud rate and port is correct and I don't understand the problem.@
Later, I enter the debugger mode and when I step into the code MCboot(pMCI, pMCT) inside MX_MotorControl_Init() in motorcontrol.c, it stucks on this line. I wonder what would be the problem.
In addition, everything works well in single motor mode. I can spin the motor in the monitor. However, when I switch to dual motor mode, the problem occurs.
IDE used: System Workbench for STM32
Software used: MotorControl Workbench 5.4.0
MCU used: STM32f303VC
Updated cubemx to 5.3 but still don't work
2019-07-26 9:17 AM
HI for anyone encounter the same problem. I just solved this issue. Before assigning pin in st motor control workbench, please check if the pin really exsist on the chip. If you assign a pin which is doesn't exist, error occurs.
2021-06-22 1:24 AM
The question has been moved from the section "Motor Control Hardware" to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards