2012-11-04 2:19 AM
Hello... I do want to have motion contol with 3Phase induction motor with FOC algorithm. The FOC library(FOC SDK v3.2--UM1052) and software(ST Motor Control WorkBench) offered ST is for PMSM. I dont want to use Permanent Magnet motor I want to use induction motor. Its been said that UM0483 has control of ACIM but inthere is no library present for ACIM
. Help me in this regards. Based on your reply I can stay with ST.com. Microchip company offeres Sensorless FOC for Induction Motor. I bought STM32F4 discovery and programmer from ST. I want to use ST for Induction motor since the FOC library is well established and you offered software for motor control. #foc-sdk-3.2-induction-motor2012-11-12 7:12 AM
Hello Satish,
3-phase ACIM is supported by STM32 FOC FW library v2.0.1, an older version of library running on STM32F103xB and STM32F10x8. I just realized its setup file has been erroneously removed from the web and I already asked to have it back (usually it takes less than one week). We are working to have AC IM supported again in one of next releases of ST MC Workbench and STM32 FOC FW library but I'm not able at his moment to give a precise plan about its release. Sorry... Best Regards, Billino2012-11-25 1:11 AM
Thanks for reply. So currently ST.com doesn't support for ACIM FOC. Its ok.
I go with MATLAB for developing C program from Embedded Coder from simulink. But in MATLAB --Target for Embedded Processor ST.com provides only 16-bit microcontroller i.e. ST10. Why not STM32F4. Will you have any BLOCKSET for Matlab simulink for STM32F4. Or any other way to use the STM32 in Embedded Coder in MATLAB. kindly reply for this.2012-11-26 7:29 AM
we're working on it, MATLAB support will be available beg of next year for All Cortex-M4 ST devices (STM32F3xx and STM32F4xx). Regards, Billino2013-03-18 9:56 AM
Hello, I am struggling to find a working example of ACIM motor control for STM32F103, and I had no luck yet, the STM32 FOC FW library is still not availlable for ACIM motor...
My question, will it be released or I should look elsewere?? Thanx2013-06-16 3:11 AM
I have the STM3210E-EVAL and the STEVAL-IHMO28V1 and I would like to use a 3 phases induction motor. I´ve notice after installing the motor libraries V3.3 that there is no support for those motors. Could you please make at least the version 2.0.1 available again? It is very frustating to buy a Eval Kit that promise something and in the reality there is no support for the needed features.Thanks in advance for your response.2013-06-21 2:42 AM
Ciao FGC,
I suggest you ask ST sales office nearest you, or the distributor who sold you the kit, to contact the group ''Systems lab'' and ask for the firmware. Ciao Gigi2013-06-29 4:35 AM
Hi Gigi,
according to my contact there is no driver for the ACIM control. I don`t really understand how is ST selling these kits without having really support!. Regards,FGC2013-07-02 2:34 AM
Ciao FGC
You can register in the online support:/cas/login?service=https%3a//my.st.com/onlinesupport/app?page%3DonlineSupport
and insert a support request with this reference: Motor control application.We will try to contact you via a local ST office for the support.
Ciao Gigi2021-06-21 9:32 AM
The question has been moved from the section "Motor Control Hardware" to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards