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Writing to External SPI Flash using DfuSe (USB)

Posted on July 20, 2015 at 15:27

Hello Guys,

Please, could you tell me whether it would be possible to write binary data to an External SPI Flash from DfuSe (USB)?

I have a custom board with stm32f427. There is an SPI Nor Flash connected to the micro via SPI bus. I have no difficulties programming Internal Flash of the micro. However I need to find a way of flashing binary data to External Flash at Production time via USB (with or without DfuSe).

At present I use JTAG and OpenOCD to do the above, but JTAG is not an option for production in my case.

Is there a way of doing it?

I would appreciate any information on this.

Many thanks in advance.


Posted on July 20, 2015 at 17:13

Seem to recall seeing some examples back in the F1 days.

The most practical approach is to have your own DFU firmware that's familiar with your external hardware, have this act as the boot loader and program the device in two steps.

The other technique is to payload in flashing code to RAM, and then use that to flash both the internal and external memories. This can definitely be done over the USART connections (System Loader), and can use protocols and speeds of your choosing.

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