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USB Host Audio Class- how to handle

Associate II


Is there any working example of USB Host Audio Class? I am trying to run it using the API but I am having some hard time. In repository there is no example (in any repository) and there are no user manuals.

I am able to connect to the USB Audio Device (USB Audio adapter). but when it somes to actual "playing" I can not make any resonable music. I can only make some "random" sounds. I am reading data from SD card and feeding it to USB. Everything works with I2S and audio codec so the data is not corrupted.

Do you guys have any github projects or something that worked?

ST Employee

Hi @maciek​ ,

You find an Audio example under STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.23.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Applications\USB_Host\AUDIO_Standalone for example.


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