2021-02-01 5:25 AM
This is possibly the wrong place to ask, but I can't find a relevant place. I'm trying to build a USB HID descriptor that uses the STRING_INDEX, STRING_MIN and STRING_MAX usages, I can see how to build them in the USB HID specification documentation, but they seem to get ignored by windows when it's parsing the HID descriptor. The device I'm building is a gaming joystick, and I would like to rename some of the axes - EG RX to Toe Brake Left etc... And change some of the buttons EG Button 17 to Gear Up. I am creating the descriptor ok, my device is being read correctly, and the inputs are all functioning correctly, I just want to rename them. I know its possible because thrustmaster devices do it.
If this is the wrong place to ask - could you point me to the right place. I have looked as much as is within my power to find how to implement STRING_INDEX etc, but I cannot find anywhere outside of the USB documentation. (Device Class Definition for HID version 1.11 page 40 in section Local Items as follows:
String Index 0111 10 nn String index for a String descriptor; allows a string
to be associated with a particular item or control.)